The True Vine: Meditations for a Month on John 15:1-16

Get the audiobook The True Vine: Meditations for a Month on John 15:1-16 by Andrew Murray for free this month. 

From the publisher: 

The analogy of Christ as the vine and His children as the branches has been referenced and quoted so many times that it has become a common Christian household phrase and inspirational quote. However, it is not often lived out or truly understood and experienced. Andrew Murray details how exactly to live as a part of God’s vine. He expands on what it means to rely on the Father for strength, power, growth, and life. Composed in a style that breaks up into daily meditations, this wealth of information on how to live connected to God is an invaluable resource. Once it is clear that there is nothing that can be accomplished alone, true living can begin and the wholeness and sufficiency of God will be made clear and unmistakably necessary in every moment of every day. The runtime of this resource is 2 hrs and 33 mins. 

Get your free audiobook copy HERE! or buy a copy HERE!


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